Stop the burglaries!- Senator Bruce
NDP’s caretaker for South Central Windward, Senator Israel Bruce
February 16, 2024

Stop the burglaries!- Senator Bruce

The New Democratic Party’s caretaker for South Central Windward, Senator Israel Bruce has expressed concern about the incidents of crime in the constituency.

Senator Bruce made his feelings known in a Facebook live post on Tuesday February, 14. Indications are that under cover of darkness, persons have been entering the homes and small business operations of residents of various communities in the constituency and making off with cash, valuables and other contents.

Senator Bruce appealed to the perpetrators of these acts to “stop it.”

“Stop it now!” Bruce said on Tuesday, indicating that these acts of violence against property owners is not fair, not right, and not legal.

The opposition caretaker mentioned the names Lauders, Lowmans, Greiggs, Chapman’s and North and South Union, as some of the villages that have been plagued with this problem.

“What has been happening is wrong, and it is bad”, Bruce stated.

Speaking about the element of fear that is now present in the constituency, Bruce who is a lawyer, encouraged persons who know about these crimes not to remain silent.

“Let us bring under control what is happening in the constituency,” he appealed on Tuesday.

According to the caretaker, some shops have been broken into twice, and contents stolen.

The NDP politician also expressed his support for calls for neighbourhood watch groups to be established in the area.

He also called on the police for their assistance in reducing acts of burglary in South Central Windward.