Man jailed for six months for beating his ex-girlfriend drawing blood
Kesroy Ryan
From the Courts, News
January 16, 2024

Man jailed for six months for beating his ex-girlfriend drawing blood

A resident of Lowman Hill was jailed for beating his ex-girlfriend with a charger wire, and boxing her about her face until she bled.

Kesroy Ryan was charged on two counts of physical aggression towards his ex-girlfriend.

He was charged that on January 1, 2024 at Lowmans Hill, he did unlawfully and maliciously inflict grievous bodily harm on Skakel Yearwood of Richland Park.

This offence was laid indictably, so he was not required to plea.

However, Ryan pleaded guilty that on December, 9, 2023 at Kingstown, he did assault Shakel Yearwood of Richland Park causing actual bodily harm.

According to the facts which were read by Prosecutor, Corlene Samuel, Yearwood knows Ryan very well as they were in a relationship for two and half years, and he is the father of her one year old son Akeel.

The relationship ended because Ryan kept abusing Yearwood physically. On Saturday, December 9,2023, about 2:00 p.m Yearwood was at her work place when one of her co-workers told her that Ryan was outside standing in the vicinity of Bowman’s Pharmacy behind a wall.

Yearwood had just got paid, so one of her colleagues told her to put her earnings in her bag so that if Ryan searches her, he would not get any money.

As Ryan was in the habit of taking her money, the woman acted on the advice given. As she put away her money she saw Ryan but paid him no mind and continued walking to Bonadie #1 Supermarket.

Yearwood and her co-workers went into the supermarket to purchase items for her son. Ryan followed them into the supermarket.

As Yearwood stepped outside to leave the supermarket, Ryan grabbed her by the right arm and said, “come here.” Although Yearwood kept telling him to let her go Ryan did not comply.

Ryan then pulled Yearwood away from her co-workers and took her down Middle Street in the vicinity of the Salvation Army headquarters. In the process they lost track of Yearwood’s co-workers. Ryan then pulled Yearwood into a bathroom on the Methodist church compound, locked the door behind them, and started hitting Yearwood about her body with a charger wire. He also boxed her in the face using his right fist and injured her.

When he saw blood coming from her nose, Ryan wiped Yearwood’s face, took her to the bus terminal at the Peace Memorial Hall and ensured that she got a van to go home.

About three days later, Yearwood reported the matter to the police at the Criminal Investigation Department (CID). A statement was recorded and investigations were conducted into the matter.

On Tuesday January 9, 2024 about 12:30 p.m, PC 1038 Johnson met Ryan outside the Central Police Station, approached him, identified herself and informed Ryan of the report of assault bodily harm made against him.

PC Johnson arrested Ryan and took him to the CID where he was cautioned and interviewed in the presence of Sgt 287 Cupid.

Ryan gave no written statement, but admitted to the offence. He stated: “I done make my trouble, I have to deal with it now.” He was later and charged for the offence.

After these facts were read Senior Magistrate, Colin John asked Ryan if he agreed with the facts; Ryan responded in the affirmative in all but one part.

He denied hiding for the purpose of taking Yearwood’s money. He said that she denied him seeing his son.

John then asked Ryan if he knew what the Family Court was. John replied, “yes”. John further asked him if he knows the purpose of the Family Court.

John also answered, “yes” and explained the role of the Family Court when requested by the Senior Magistrate to do so.

The magistrate then asked him the reason for taking matters into his own hands as opposed to taking the matter to court.

Ryan responded that he wanted to avoid going through that whole process.

“You heard of the prevalence of domestic violence?” the Senior Magistrate went on to ask. “Yes,” Ryan responded.

“Do you know you’re contributing to it?”

“By the looks of it,” Ryan said, under his breath.

The maximum sentence that Ryan can receive for such an offence is two years imprisonment.

John said that he considered Ryan’s guilty plea, his “somewhat” cooperation with the police, the fact that he has had previous criminal convictions though they are not related to violence, and he is also considering the prevalence of domestic violence in the country.

The Senior Magistrate John then settled on a six month term of imprisonment.