Former lovers jailed for landing man in hospital
From the Courts, News
January 12, 2024

Former lovers jailed for landing man in hospital

Two former lovers who previously appeared in court as the virtual complainant and defendant in a stabbing case, have now been sentenced to prison for striking a man with a bottle and beating him with a piece of board.

Alecia Miller of Campden Park, and Duddly Rodney of Greiggs, appeared at the Kingstown Magistrate’s Court before Senior Magistrate, Colin John on Tuesday, January, 9, where they were jointly charged that on July 4 2022, did unlawfully and maliciously inflict grievous bodily harm on Rico Anderson of Richmond Hill.

During Carnival in 2022 about 1:30 a.m Anderson went into Kingstown to party and drink. He grew tired and went in the vicinity of “Coreas #1” by himself to sit down.

While there, he fell asleep; when he awoke he found himself at the Milton Cato Memorial Hospital(MCMH) with several injuries about his body.

This matter was reported to the police, and Corporal 507 Patrick entertained the report. Investigations were carried out, aided by CCTV footage, which led to Miller and Rodney.

Miller was first located and informed of the report which was being investigated.

She was cautioned in front of Police Constable 979 Jack and volunteered a statement in writing admitting to striking Anderson in the area of his face with a bottle.

Further investigations were carried out and on October 16, 2022, Rodney was taken into custody. He was informed of the report that was made against him, and was cautioned in the presence of PC Haywood.

Rodney did not give a written statement. However, he said that Anderson and another male had beaten him up prior to this incident.

He further told Cpl Patrick that on J’ouvert morning, he “…give him, [Anderson] some board.” As a result, both Rodney and Miller were subsequently charged for the offence of grievous bodily harm.

When the Senior Magistrate asked Miller and Rodney if they agreed with the facts, they both responded in the affirmative.

In Miller’s caution statement, she said that she was in a relationship with someone but it was not serious. However, while she was at J’ouvert, Anderson “came to where I was and start watching me and laugh,” while asking her, “Way me man dey?”

“He approached me up Heritage Square when I told him I ain’t making no joke with him,” She told the court.

When John asked her the reason for not reporting the matter to the police when she was being harassed, Miller responded that she “wasn’t studying” that.

“You were studying to hit him?” John questioned.

He asked Rodney if he had made a report to the police of the alleged beating that he received from Anderson and the other male.

Rodney said he did not. “It happened so fast,” he later added.

John continued, “Where you met him, he was basically helpless…you know that could have ended up in a murder? You know when you hit his face with a bottle, you could have cracked his skull”?

“Anybody doing what they feel like,” John commented.

He went on to remind Miller that she has a previous conviction for stabbing a person with a knife at the back of their neck, and striking a woman to the back of her neck with a bottle, and striking her to the left side of her face.

As for Rodney, he has been convicted for offences that date as far back as 2008. These are: illegal possession of firearms and ammunition, and assault causing actual bodily harm.

He was also sentenced to prison in September, 2023, for stabbing ex-girlfriend Miller in her back with an unidentified weapon.

“You could have added to the murder count,” John reiterated, as he emphasized the seriousness of their offence.

“One year in prison [each],” he finally decided, after considering their guilty plea, their “somewhat” cooperation with the police, Anderson’s vulnerability, and the fact that they passed the Central Police Station to commit the offence.

Rodney’s sentence will run consecutive to the two years and nine months that he is currently serving for stabbing Miller in her back.