Union Island woman, charged with burning man, remanded in custody
Verone Billy
From the Courts, News
December 29, 2023

Union Island woman, charged with burning man, remanded in custody

A Union Island woman who has been charged with inflicting burns about 22.5 per cent of a man’s body claims to have acted out self-defence.

Verone Billy appeared at the Kingstown Magistrate’s Court before Senior Magistrate Colin John yesterday, where she was not allowed to plea to the indictable charge.

Billy was charged that on December 22, 2023 at Maury, Clifton, Union Island , she did unlawfully and maliciously cause grievous bodily harm to Kyle Lewis of Maury, Clifton, Union Island with intent to do so.

Corporal 590 Martin informed the Senior Magistrate that Lewis has been hospitalised and is in a critical condition as result of the injuries. Martin also said that Lewis has sustained burns about 22.5 per cent of his body.

SEARCHLIGHT understands that Billy and Lewis were in a relationship, and that the burns were caused after Billy allegedly threw a container of hot water on Lewis’s body during a disagreement.

Martin asked the Senior Magistrate to remand Billy in custody until the police receive an update on Lewis’s medical condition.

John then asked Billy if she agrees with the police officer that she be remanded.

Billy responded, “No” because she committed the act in self defence.

The Senior Magistrate told her that the court is not yet ready to hear her defence, until her trial begins.

He then granted the officer’s request that Billy be remanded in custody until the police obtain a medical report on Lewis’s current condition.

The Senior Magistrate adjourned the matter to January 9, 2024 and transferred it to the Serious Offences Court.