‘All of this belongs to  Guyana’- President Ali says
Guyana President Ifraan Ali displays to the media a wrist band with the map of Guyana.
December 15, 2023

‘All of this belongs to Guyana’- President Ali says

Preliminary talks between President of Venezuela and the President of Guyana concluded on Thursday night with the sovereign leader of the Essequibo region, President Irfaan Ali stating vehemently Guyana’s “clear position” on the border dispute.

“I made it very clear that Guyana had all the right to exercise its sovereign right within its territorial space to approve of and facilitate any development, any investment, any partnership, collaboration, the issuing of any license and the granting of any concession,” Ali told the media during a press briefing.

The second round of talks, held at the Argyle International Airport on Thursday December 14, was the first face-to-face meeting for Venezuelan President, Nicolas Maduro and President Ali.

When questions were posed by the media on the atmosphere within the meeting, President Ali opted not to comment. However he did say, “As Guyana has always said, we came here in the interest of peace and stability for this region. Guyana is not the aggressor. We have never threatened anyone by force or the use of force.”

Pointing to his wrist band which bore a map of Guyana, the Preisdent stressed: “All of this is Guyana. All of this belongs to Guyana.”

“There is absolutely no retreat by Guyana in ensuring that this matter is determined by the ICJ and that the outcome of this matter at the ICJ be respected by all.”

He disclosed that his country intends to adopt a “let us see” approach on the way forward.

The press briefing was followed by another round of talks between the parties, leading to the establishment of the ‘Joint Declaration of Argyle for Dialogue and Peace between Guyana and Venezuela’.