Ticket believed to be the cause of police-minibus operator scuffle
Two members of the Traffic Division are seen here caught in a scuffle with minibus operators.
September 26, 2023

Ticket believed to be the cause of police-minibus operator scuffle

An altercation involving a conductor, a minibus driver and police officers of the Traffic Division, which has since gone viral on social media, has resulted in two charges being laid against a Glen man.

Elford Stephens, a 35-year-old chauffeur, was arrested on Friday, September 22 and charged with assaulting a police officer and damage to property following an incident which occurred on Richmond Hill at the bus stop opposite Peace Memorial Hall.

SEARCHLIGHT understands that the incident stemmed from the driver being issued a ticket by police reportedly for failing to wear a seatbelt and also playing of loud music.

The driver reportedly protested against being issued the ticket after which he exited the minibus and confronted the police officer.

Stephens is accused of assaulting Kenny Jones, a Station Sergeant, by striking him on the left side of his face with his hand and pushing him to the ground. Stephens was further charged with damaging one Black Shao Peng wristwatch, the property of the complainant.

In the video, which was captured by a SEARCHLIGHT reporter, another police officer is seen trying to settle the dispute, also restraining one of the minibus operators after he goes to the vehicle and searches  behind the front passenger seat.



Stephens appeared at the Kingstown Magistrate Court on Monday, September 25 where he pleaded not guilty. The case has been adjourned to December 11,2023.