Christian radio station tackles national issues during weekly talk show
From Left: Marlon Lewis and Romeo Diamond
August 8, 2023

Christian radio station tackles national issues during weekly talk show

Christians usually have views on issues affecting the country, but at times do not feel comfortable expressing themselves on popular mainstream media.

With this in mind, Stubbs man Marlon Lewis is asking persons to tune in to Christlike Radio, 99.1 FM, a radio station based at the Mustique Christian Assembly in Lovell Village, Mustique.

Lewis, who spoke to SEARCHLIGHT yesterday said efforts are being made to move the studio to mainland St Vincent, but in the meantime, the station broadcasts a Monday night talk show during which persons from all walks of life are encouraged to listen, call in and voice their opinions.

Those wishing to interact with the hosts during the Monday night show, which runs from 8 to 10 pm, can call 4324577 (WhatsApp) and 488-8206 (landline). Christian music is also played daily.

“…Because sometimes things happen and people want to know what Christians think. What the Christian community is saying about things.

“Different things have been said because not everyone is silent; we highlight a lot of these topics.

“Crime, the economy, the role of the Christian in government offices, the role of the Church in society…,” Lewis said while noting that he hosts the interactive programme along with Romeo Diamond and other speakers.

The men who run the station are members of the New Testament Church of God and the Kingdom Life Tabernacle in Mesopotamia.

“A lot of these issues affect us as Christians because when crime rises, everyone is affected.

“Economic issues, Christians are affected and that is what we want to push. We are interested in that part of the society and at the same time we are letting persons now that Christ is unequivocally the only answer,” Lewis stressed.

“We believe that we are living in the last days, but we have a responsibility to uplift righteousness and we think the government should put things in place to the b vest of their ability to curb these things and they can involve more church leaders to be part of the decision making.

“I think that can help because once you have persons there hearing directly from God, they will have a great input in the direction of the country,” the radio host told SEARCHLIGHT.

He said the radio station was started as a means of sharing the great messages coming out of the church in Mustique with a wider audience.