Caribbean must redouble reparations efforts says PM Gonsalves
Prime Minister Dr Ralph Gonsalves
August 4, 2023

Caribbean must redouble reparations efforts says PM Gonsalves

Countries in the Caribbean that were affected by native genocide and the enslavement of African people must redouble efforts to seek reparations globally.

This is the position of Prime Minister Dr. Ralph Gonsalves, who said on Tuesday, August 1, that a platform must be put together through CARICOM, Latin America and the Caribbean to seek reparations.

He, however, stressed that while this must be done, it must be carried out not in any fight or war but with mature conversations with our European brothers and sisters who were responsible for native genocide and enslavement of African bodies in these parts.

“… And we see the legacies of underdevelopment, and we have many rivers to cross, and we have to do it in solidarity and we cannot allow anybody to derail us.

“So long as I am leader of this country nobody will derail us from this agenda. I will never roll over and play dead to imperialism or hegemony,” declared Gonsalves who has written a book, ‘The Case for Caribbean Reparatory Justice’.

He made these points at the ‘One Family’ concert which was a celebration of CARICOM’S 50th anniversary held at Victoria Park.

The Prime Minister said the countries affected will make accommodations as is practically required but we have to resist creatively, and in our interest any fight we may get.

He noted that persons were gathered at the Park on Emancipation Day to celebrate the journey from 1838 to today.

“Our freedom is ours, we must own it.

“We must use our freedom to build our country, build your families, build yourself. This is what tonight is about,” the Prime Minister said.

He also noted that 10 years ago, on September 15, 2013, there was a rally in SVG which was used as the launch of the first regional conference for reparations for native genocide and the enslavement of African people.