PSU calls for revocation of the appointment of Clerk of House of Assembly
Deborah Charles
July 28, 2023

PSU calls for revocation of the appointment of Clerk of House of Assembly

The St. Vincent and the Grenadines Public Service Union (PSU), said it is displeased with the manner of the appointment of Deborah Charles as Clerk of the House of Assembly. The union made known that it wants the appointment to be revoked in a release in which it states that “The Clerk of the House of Assembly is a public officer, and the position falls under the purview Public Service Commission. Therefore, the appointment of the Clerk must be done in accordance with the Public Service Regulations; the Regulations which governs the general management of public officers including appointments in the Public Service”.

The union said it “has seen no evidence that the position was advertised as prescribed by Regulations 18 (1) and (2). Further, the PSU is of the view that the selection process is in violation of the requirements of Regulation 19 of the said Regulations.”

The release recalled that in 2017, “the Public Service Union successful challenged the Public Service Commission’s unfair promotion practice, and the court ruled that the Public Service Commission failed to comply with Regulations 18, 19, 20 and 27, which lay out the procedure for Appointments, Promotions and Transfers”.

“Given that the post was not advertised and the principles of selection were not adhered to the appointment of Deborah Charles is another reminder of the Public Service Commission’s disregard for, and blatant violation of the Public Service Regulations,” the union noted.

Further that “Her Ladyship the Learned Justice Lorene Esco Henry in her ruling stated that ‘Promotion provides a positive incentive and stimulus to all employees to aspire to greater heights in his chosen field. When it fails to materialize it leads to apathy, frustration, demotivation, dissatisfaction, low morale and dysfunctionalysm’.”

The union added that “The learned judge went on to say that ‘it would be unreasonable, in the absence of reasons for those bypassed for promotion to conclude promotion is based not on merit but on some other factor’.

“It is clear to us that the Public Service Commission has failed to have an appreciation of the decision of the court and or perhaps even care[s] to comply with the order of the court, which specifically stated that ALL vacancies must be advertised.”

The Public Service Union said it is “therefore calling on the Public Service Commission to revoke the appointment and comply with the Public Service Regulations”.