Second porn video with  underage girl being circulated
From the Courts, News
June 16, 2023

Second porn video with underage girl being circulated

Yet another viral video is circulating on social media showing what some persons say is an older man taking advantage of an underage female.

The recoding shows a female performing fellatio on a male in a vehicle.

Reports are that the man is from the Cane End area and the police are involved and charges may be laid.

This is the second such recording in as many months.

Last month, a recording showed a 10-year-old student being forced to perform fellatio on an adult.

In relation to that recording, Dion Baptiste, a 37-year-old unemployed man, was arrested and charged on Monday, May 30 with abduction, indecent assault and two counts of child pornography under the Cybercrimes Act.

Baptiste appeared at the Family Court and is currently on remand at His Majesty’s Prison. He will be sentenced on July 12, 2023.