Victim of infidelity helping hurting women find happiness
June 13, 2023

Victim of infidelity helping hurting women find happiness

United Kingdom-based Vincentian Delia Gould, whose claimed to have been a victim of infidelity has published her first book to “help 10,000 women find happiness again.”

Gould, who hails from Barrouallie released her publication on Friday, May 24, in which she tells the story of what she has described as “One of the darkest experiences of my life”.

In an interview with SEARCHLIGHT on June 8, Gould said that her book, ‘You Can Be Happy Again-Bouncing Back After Infidelity, Betrayal and Loss’ tells the story of her life in Barrouallie, finding happiness again, and her “unfortunate” experience of having an unfaithful husband, and a woman who was regarded as her best friend.

“I gave everything in the book in terms of how did that impact on me, how it impacted on my children, the depression stage that I went through … I’m a Christian, so I also talk about how I relied and depend on God to bring me through this ordeal.”

Gould said she knows lots of women do not make it through such experiences, noting that some have had nervous breakdowns, some engage in acts of assault, while still others have resorted to suicide.

“It’s a very dark place to be and I just wanted to help other women go through that, so that’s why I chose to write this book on this topic, this experience,” she outlined.

Gould said the affair took place more than a decade ago and since then, she has been able to reach a point where the situation doesn’t control her any more.

“I firmly believe that being happy is a choice, so choose to be happy. That’s actually a quotation that I put in my book, being happy is a choice, so choose to be happy.”

Gould added that in life many problems and trials would come a person’s way, but one can choose to be happy.

“It’s all about your mindset, deciding that no matter what, I’m going to choose to be happy.”

She shared that writing the book has been therapeutic for her, and even while troubling memories and emotions resurfaced, the engagement has helped with her healing.

“And right now, my focus is not on the experience itself, but in helping other women who are unhappy in relationships, in jobs, whatever it is, it doesn’t have to be the same kind of experience that I have.”

She added that her book gives practical ways in which a person can find happiness again such as taking time for yourself, loving yourself, and doing the things that you love.

“A lot of women focus on the kids, chores, taking care of the husband and whatever else, but they don’t ever take time for themselves which I think is so important.”

Gould said that while she sometimes wonders what people may think of her placing her personal life on a public platform, she wants for her story to help others.

“And I also believe that God allows you to go through certain experience in life, not necessarily because of you, but to put you in a better position to help others, so all my things are out there now, but I am just praying and hoping that it helps someone to heal, it helps women to heal from whatever situation that they’re going through, and I believe that we can use our mess to bless others.”

Gould’s book has already topped the charts for New Releases on in two categories: Dating, Relationships & Spirituality; and Spiritual Biography.

Gould is not only selling books though, she also has a gift in the form of a quiz that helps women to assess where they are and how they can find happiness again.

In addition, she offers a free ‘Connection Session’ for women who would like to chat with her, as she believes that speaking to someone who has gone through a similar situation can really help.