Vincentians to celebrate Indian Arrival Day on June 4
The Indian Heritage Foundation will be staging the re-enactment of the arrival of Indians to these shores on June 4, at Indian Bay starting at 8:00 a.m.
A boat will arrive at Indian Bay with persons dressed in Indian wear, followed by a mock registration and despatch to various estates, a release from the Foundation states
The official ceremony will feature addresses from dignitaries, and a photo session followed by the serving of breakfast served to all in attendance.
An arrival commemorating receiving the certificate with her name
Thursday, June 1, 2023 will mark the 162nd anniversary of the arrival of 2,474 Indians from India to SVG during the years 1861 to 1880.
The SVG Indian Heritage Foundation is encouraging all citizens of SVG to participate in their celebrations by wearing an Indian outfit and eating Indian food on that day.
The Foundation was officially launched on July 20, 2006 at the P’Tani Resort Argyle, where the first formal executive was elected. Some of the members of the original executive still serve on the present executive, namely Junior
Bacchus, Denzil Bacchus, Anna Baptiste-Insanali and Cheryl Rodriguez.
The Foundation said it was fortunate to capture some fascinating stories, having successfully released 16 interviews “Conversation with our Indian Elders”, some of whom have since died.
And, it recently recorded the stories of six outstanding Vincentian Indians
in the Diaspora, namely Dr Gideon Lewis, in the USA; Dr Rudi Bailey in the USA; Peter Moore, in the USA; Shawn Bullock, in Canada; Noel Thomas, in the UK; and Lenroy Thomas, in Turkey.
Their stories are available on YouTube and on the Foundation’s website: