Burn victim thankful to care providers at MCMH
Garth “Tall-Up” Edwards
May 16, 2023

Burn victim thankful to care providers at MCMH

A burn unit in Trinidad and Tobago (T&T) has told family members of burn victim, Garth “Tall-Up” Edwards that his care in that country could cost upwards of US$320,000.

Edwards, the married father of a 13-year-old son, was burnt on Sunday May, 7, 2023 around 7:00 p.m. when he used gasoline to ignite a fire that he was planning to use to dispose of yard waste.

A family member said they are trying their best to assist Edwards who is currently stable but still needs the attention of a burn specialist that is not available here.

Speaking to SEARCHLIGHT on Monday from the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) of the Milton Cato Memorial Hospital (MCMH) Edwards said he is keeping faith in God and he thinks he has passed the worse but still needs plenty of help.

He said he is keeping his mind focused and the nurses and doctors at the hospital are doing everything they can to keep him stable and he is very appreciative.

“The nurses and doctors, if it wasn’t for them I would not have been at this stage so fast. They treated me as a priority,” Edwards commented while thanking persons who have been helping him.

The freak accident saw Edwards receiving first, second and third degree burns over three quarters of his body.

He has burns to the left side of his head, face, neck, upper back, both hands- from his shoulder down to his fingers, on the left side of his chest and both legs down to his toes.

While Edwards is hoping to go to Trinidad where he can receive specialized care at a burn unit, at this moment this seems out of his reach because of the cost, and the money donated so far is being used for medication and other things needed to keep him stable.

Garth’s wife Chemly Butler, has started a gofundme page and anyone who wants to make a monetary contribution can call 1-784-531-3242.