Man accused of kicking out woman’s front tooth granted bail
From the Courts, News
May 5, 2023

Man accused of kicking out woman’s front tooth granted bail

One day after a young woman made posts online alleging that her front tooth had been knocked out by her ex-boyfriend, a man has been charged in connection with the incident.

Randan Tesheira of Cane End appeared at the Serious Offences Court on May 3, where he denied beating the woman.

Tesheria pleaded not guilty to a charge that on May 1, at Cane End he did unlawfully and maliciously inflict grievous bodily harm on Shevern Edwards of Ottley Hall.

The court heard that during the alleged beating, Edwards lost a tooth and received injuries to her head.

Chief Magistrate Rechanne Browne granted Tesheira bail in the sum of $10,000 with one surety. He was ordered to have no contact with Edwards and must report to the Mesopotamia Police Station every Monday and Thursday between 6:00 a.m and 6:00 p.m.

Tesheira was also ordered to surrender all travel documents, and stop notices were ordered to be placed at all ports of entry and exit. If he has to leave the state, the defendant must obtain permission from the court to do so.

The matter is adjourned and transferred to the Mesopotamia Magistrate’s Court for hearing on May 12, 2023.

Browne issued a warning to the accused that in the event he breaches any of his bail conditions, his bail will be revoked.

She further noted “…If you are attempting to contact in anyway, the complainant by phone, email or in person your bail will be revoked immediately.”

SEARCHLIGHT understands that on May 2, the complainant posted of herself before and after the incident on her social media pages.

The photos were captioned, “I [went] from this, to this in less than 24 hours.” Also, “my story: love is pain.”

In the photo after the alleged incident, the woman is seen with a missing front tooth, apparent swelling on her face and what appeared to be blood stains on her person and her clothing.