Wax apple thief who broke his bond sent to prison
Felix Lavia
April 14, 2023

Wax apple thief who broke his bond sent to prison

A thief who has a rap sheet of 34 previous convictions was sent to prison after he was found with a bucket of stolen wax apples while being on a bond.

A somewhat emotional Felix Lavia of Pauls Avenue shed dry tears when he appeared at the Serious Offences Court to answer to his charge of theft.

Lavia pleaded guilty that on March 21, 2023 at Pauls Avenue he had in his possession one five gallon bucket of wax apples, reasonably suspected of being stolen or unlawfully obtained.

The court heard that on March 21, at approximately 10:40 p.m, personnel from the Rapid Response Unit met the prisoner walking with a bucket of wax apples.

When questioned he told the officers that he got the fruits from a tree nearby. He also pointed to a mini van that was located in the vicinity of Edge Apartments telling the officers a man had sent him to pick the wax apples. The offence of unlawful possession was pointed out to Felix and he was later arrested and charged.

Chief Magistrate, Rechanne Browne pointed out to the prisoner that he has a long history of previous convictions and he committed his latest offence while being on a six month bond in the sum of $500.00 with a default of two months in prison if the bond was breached.

Felix told the magistrate that he did not remember he was on a bond and began making sounds as though crying while asking the court for forgiveness.

Browne told him that he cannot go onto peoples property and take their fruits at 10:20 in the night . She told Felix that the time he was met with the fruits was very aggravating.

She also highlighted the untidiness of the bucket that the fruits were placed in, noting that people would purchase them not knowing the conditions in which the prisoner had obtained them and how he had stored them.

She sent a bit of advice to the public to “plant your own fruits people”.

Browne also noted the planning and execution of the offence, as well as the attempt to blame another person.

In addition, she found aggravating that Lavia had 34 previous convictions of a similar nature.

He was sentenced to prison for four months and his bond was activated.

He was ordered to pay $500.00 forthwith or spend two months in prison. Both of the sentences will run consecutively.