Coastal Adrenaline launches ATV tours of St Vincent’s south east coast
CEO of Coastal Adrenaline Jerrol Jackson with some of his ATVs
April 9, 2023

Coastal Adrenaline launches ATV tours of St Vincent’s south east coast

An exciting new product has been added to the range of recreational activities on offer in St Vincent and the Grenadines.

Adventure seekers may now book scenic 90-minute tours that connect five black sand beaches on the south eastern tip of St Vincent, while driving all-terrain vehicles (ATVs). The tours connect Brighton Bay, Diamond Bay, Stubbs Bay, Rawacou and Argyle while driving along the beaches and back roads with limited use of the main road.

The tours are being offered by Coastal Adrenaline which will have a grand opening on Sunday, April 9, from 2 pm at its base at Brighton, at the former location of Huffles Ranch.

Chief Executive Officer and co-owner of the company Jerrol Jackson told SEARCHLIGHT that at present, Coastal Adrenaline has seven ATVs, with more on the way.

On Saturday, the company hosted a soft launch to which the media was invited. Also present were Jackson’s business partners Marlon Bennett, Stacy Baety and McNeal Duncan.

Business partners, from left: Jerrol Jackson, Marlon Bennett, Stacy Baety and McNeal Duncan.

Business executive Maxine Howard, who gave one of the ATVs a try, told SEARCHLIGHT she would highly recommend the experience. “Amazing, exciting, I love it. I would definitely do this again and I am ready to go on a longer track, rougher terrain. Excited, yes, adrenaline rush.”

Business executive Maxine Howard trying one of the ATVs (Photo credit Denroy McTair)

The company employs four persons who Jackson said have received the ‘Tourism Approved’ seal of approval, and have been certified by the Red Cross in CPR and First Aid.

Tours are available from Tuesday to Saturday from 6 am to 6 pm. More information, including how to book, may be had from the company’s website.

At Sunday’s official launch, attendees will have the chance to win complimentary ATV tours, with the grand prize being a tour for two along the coastal trail, along with dinner. The event will hear an address from Minister of Tourism Carlos James and other officials.

The public is invited.