Deputy PM seeking medical attention in Cuba
Deputy Prime Minister Montgomery Daniel
April 6, 2023

Deputy PM seeking medical attention in Cuba

Deputy Prime Minister Montgomery Daniel is in Cuba seeking a second opinion from medics there about the root cause of a pain in his leg.

Daniel, who is also Minister of Transport and Works, was warded at the Milton Cato Memorial Hospital (MCMH) in February for the same problem.

Speaking on the Issue at Hand programme on Sunday, April 2, Prime Minister Dr Ralph Gonsalves said Minister Daniel went to Cuba last Friday, March 31, accompanied by his son.

The Prime Minister said if Minister Daniel stands for too long “it affects one of his legs”.

As a result he has gone to Cuba for a second opinion and any possible treatment.

“The doctors here were doing quite well, but they themselves thought a second opinion would be a very good thing.”

Daniel and his son, who is attached to the Prime Minister’s security detail left the state on the airline Conviasa which made its inaugural landing here last Friday.