KCCU and CTAWU sign new retroactive Collective Agreement
The Kingstown Co-operative Credit Union (KCCU), and the Commercial Technical and Allied Workers Union (CTAWU), last Thursday, February 23, signed a new three year collective agreement retroactive to January, 2022. The signing took place in the conference room of the KCCU building in Kingstown.
President of the KCCU, Terrell Mapp said “Today, we are here in the signing ceremony of the KCCU memorandum of agreement between the union and staff. This is for the junior staff of KCCU, and it runs from 2022 to 2024. This is a proud day for us as we show our commitment and our support for the staff of KCCU, and our appreciation to the hard work that they have put in in a time of COVID and La Soufriere.”
Mapp later told SEARCHLIGHT that the credit union’s loan portfolio continues to grow significantly. Last year it recorded the highest level of growth in loans, disbursing over $34.5 million.
“ Our loan portfolio grew by over $100 million, which is reflective of the hard work of the staff, junior staff, management, and the committees”.
Mapp said even though the agreement “reflects increased costs…we show appreciation to the staff” and, “the junior staff in particular.”
General Secretary of the CTAWU, Joseph “Burns Bonadie” told SEARCHLIGHT, “We have had over the years a very good relationship with KCCU and the last negotiation was no different, very cordial. I believe both parties understood the period of time in which we are negotiating and took into consideration the difficulties that we face as a nation.”
“I want to say that the KCCU provided an opportunity for a lot of the employees- our members for upward mobility within the institution. This is something that we have looked forward to over the years. We, of course, enhance a number of the benefits which the employees got in the past, and we are very happy indeed that we were able to come to an amicable settlement…”.
Bonadie said due to the COVID-19 pandemic both sides were not able to meet as often as they would have liked,”but we came to a good settlement, and it was endorsed by the membership, and we are very happy indeed.”
Bonadie hoped that the union “…will continue to enjoy the relationship which we have enjoyed over the years with KCCU … and I would say without any fear of contradiction” that the KCCU is “one of the better employers in St. Vincent the Grenadines.”
One of the main aspects of the new agreement is the provision of a new pension plan for members.
And, as part of the continued growth of the credit union 15 new employees were added to the staff.