Foundations for pre-fab houses from Guyana to begin within a month
February 21, 2023

Foundations for pre-fab houses from Guyana to begin within a month

WORK on the construction of foundations for just over 50 pre-fabricated houses will begin within a month’s time, followed by the importation of the houses from Guyana, Minister of Works, Montgomery Daniel has said.

Giving an update on NBC Radio on Wednesday, February 15, the Deputy Prime Minister, who holds the portfolios of transport and works said the imported, wooden houses will be distributed to families in the red and orange zones who were affected by the recent volcanic eruptions.

Twenty of these houses that are being sourced from Duraville in Guyana are earmarked for North Windward, another 20 will be erected in North Leeward and the remaining 15 houses will be distributed in areas in the orange zone that were also adversely impacted by the volcanic eruptions.

Minister Daniel, who is Member of Parliament for North Windward, also said that lots have already been identified in Orange Hill for this project and in North Leeward, some lots have also been already identified.

The chief surveyor is assisting in the identification of lots in the Orange Zone for the Duraville houses.

In October last year, Daniel led a delegation to Guyana on a fact finding mission regarding the purchase of these houses. He was accompanied by Minister of Housing, Orando Brewster and two engineers. The one, two and three bedroom wooden houses will be equipped with kitchen and toilet facilities.

Last year, the government distributed 27 houses to families who were displaced by the eruptions.

These houses are located at Orange Hill where the recipient families are now comfortably settled.

A further 20 houses are already under construction at Orange Hill which are being built with assistance from the Mustique Charitable Trust. On completion, these houses will also be handed over to persons in the red zone who suffered loss of their homes when La Soufriere Volcano erupted explosively in April, 2021.