Two KPS students receive scholarships from SVG Honorary Consul in Monaco
PRINCIPAL OF the Kingstown Preparatory School Susan Jackson-Abraham (centre) with the students Blossom McCaolm (front left) and Justin Murphy (front right) with their mothers standing behind them
February 10, 2023

Two KPS students receive scholarships from SVG Honorary Consul in Monaco

TWO STUDENTS from the Kingstown Preparatory School are the beneficiaries of academic scholarships granted by the St Vincent and the Grenadines Honorary Consul in Monaco.

The scholarships were awarded by Giuseppe Ambrosio; SVG Honorary Consul in the Principality of Monaco in memory of his late mother, Maria Pragliola, a former primary school teacher who dedicated her life to teaching in Italy.

The grade four students, Justin Murphy and Blossom McCalom, expressed tremendous appreciation.

The Maria Camilla Pragliola Scholarship, with a total value of 500 Euros, will be granted yearly to two primary school students of good character and good academic standing.


[[UPDATED on February 16, 2023 at 5:38 am AST to correct the official title of the donor of the scholarships.]]