Journalists injured at Steel Expressions show
A section of the scaffolding that fell on the two journalists at Steel Expressions. From Left: Christina Smith and Kemarlie Durrant
January 6, 2023

Journalists injured at Steel Expressions show

Two journalists had to be rushed to the Milton Cato Memorial Hospital (CMH), last Friday night after they were injured at a show at the Arnos Vale Playing Field.

On December 30, 2022 SEARCHLIGHT reporters Christina Smith and Kemarlie Durrant were covering ‘The Kingdom’ – the 11th edition of the Steel Expressions show, when scaffolding that had been erected near the stage fell on them, knocking Smith unconscious.

Durrant said he and Smith were stage side, when shortly after 9:00 p.m, there was a shower of rain causing them to run in the direction of a nearby tent where they could seek shelter.

“We were running towards the tent when a large object suddenly fell down on us. At the moment I was not certain of what the object was, but it hit me in the head, knocking me off my feet.”

Durrant was also hit on his right leg, near his knee.

“I immediately got up and my attention was drawn to Christina because I noticed she was lying on the ground behind me.”

He said he went over to her, and began shaking her and calling her name, but she was unresponsive.

Durrant said by this time, others who had seen what had happened, including police officers, came to their assistance and tried to shelter Smith from the rain with an umbrella.

Personnel from the St Vincent and the Grenadines Red Cross, who were on duty at the show, were also called and rendered assistance until the arrival of an ambulance.

Durrant estimates that Smith remained unresponsive for about five minutes.

Smith told SEARCHLIGHT that the last thing she remembers is using her hands to cover her head after she saw a large object falling in her direction.

“The next thing I remember is lying on the ground with a policeman bending over me, asking if I was okay.”

Durrant and Smith were transported to the Milton Cato Memorial Hospital by ambulance, arriving there at about 9:50 p.m. They were seen by medical personnel, treated and discharged after being observed for about five hours.

Steel Expressions is a production of RS Productions of which musician and producer, Rodney Small is founder and CEO.