Man still missing after three weeks, sister worried
Arnold Mayers
October 28, 2022

Man still missing after three weeks, sister worried

A Queens Drive man, said to be in his mid-fifties has been missing for three weeks and his family is said to be quite worried.

Beatrice Mayers-Griffin said her brother, Arnold Mayers was last seen leaving home for work on October 3 and since then, she has not heard from or seen her brother, who is either 55 or 56-years-old.

The brother is said to be employed with a cement mixing enterprise and is always at work no matter the weather.

Mayers-Griffin said she feels that the police are not doing all they can to help locate her brother since a report was made to them about his disappearance.

She told SEARCHLIGHT that Mayers lives with his daughter who made a report to the police on Monday, October 10, one week after he was last seen. Mayers-Griffin said she only knew of his disappearance on Friday, October 14 when she found out from her own daughter who had found out from her cousin (Mayers’ daughter).

The 66 year old woman described her brother as a jovial person who takes a drink here and there, but she has no knowledge of anyone who may seek to harm him.

Mayers-Griffin said she asked the police if they had done any investigations at his home or in the community when the report was made to them on Monday, October 10. The officer told her no, but suggested that her brother might be at a ‘lady friend’.

Mayers-Griffin said that even if her brother is seeing someone he is unlikely to miss work except he is feeling ill, and if that were the case he would make sure to call and tell his boss.

The worried sister said further that when she was at church on Sunday, a female member of the congregation had told her that there was a rumour circulating that Mayers’ body was found hanging from a tree.

When she asked for the location, the congregant replied that she doesn’t know.

And while at home in Belair on Monday 17 someone from the village passed and told her they had heard that her brother’s body was found hanging from a tree on lands that he owns, but the police said they had not received a report about it.

She wondered why would someone see a person hanging from a tree and not make a report or sound the alarm.

Mayers-Griffin said that she went on different online news sites to see if there was any article about a body being found and after not seeing any she took to social media and made a post asking for help to find her brother. She is hoping to get some news about her missing brother.