PM Gonsalves to launch new book later this month
PRIME MINISTER Dr Ralph Gonsalves
September 9, 2022

PM Gonsalves to launch new book later this month

THERE WILL BE A LAUNCH later this month, of the latest book authored by prime minister Dr Ralph Gonsalves.

The book is titled: A Time of Respair-Beyond COVID, the volcanic eruptions, Hurricane Elsa and Global Turmoil Fesh hope for St Vincent and the Grenadines.

Gonsalves’ latest piece of literature was written to engender hope in the Vincentian population both at home and abroad.

Speaking on NBC radio on Wednesday, September 7 Gonsalves indicated that the book will have it’s first launch in NewYork later this month.

The launch is being planned to coincide with the prime minister’s attendance at the United Nations General Assembly.

This could be sometime around the third week in September.

The book will also be launched here at home,

at a time and date to be announced.