Keisal Peters is the one to watch in West Kingstown, claims Gonsalves
August 23, 2022

Keisal Peters is the one to watch in West Kingstown, claims Gonsalves

Senator Keisal Peters is already gaining ground in the West Kingstown constituency, the Prime Minister claims, and according to him,”she is one to watch.”

Dr Ralph Gonsalves stated that Peters brings a new set of interest and some support as she does her ground work in West Kingstown on behalf of the Unity Labour Party (ULP).

He made the observation on Sunday, August 21, when he called from Trinidad and Tobago to the ‘Issue at Hand’ programme on WE FM.

According to the prime minister, “ people are satisfied that she (Senator Peters) is good at what she is doing.”

Peters has already made her interest in contesting the West Kingstown seat public.

While speaking as a guest on the ‘Issue at Hand’ programme on WE FM two weeks prior, the senator had expressed the belief that she possesses the qualities for becoming a ULP candidate in the next general elections.

Having lost the seat to the NDP’s Daniel Cummings in the 2015 and 2020 general elections, former Senator Deborah Charles still remains the ULP’s caretaker for West Kingstown.

On Sunday, Gonsalves said he fully expects Charles and Peters “to work together to see whom the Constituency Council would want to recommend to the party to run in the next election.”

In a press conference on August 16, the prime minister had announced his decision to have Peters promoted as Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Trade.

She served previously as Minister of State in that ministry, in the Office of the Prime Minister.

The newly promoted minister is being accused of skin bleaching in some circles.

This comes after a prominent media professional published a photo of her on social media and made a certain remark.

However, on Sunday, the prime minister said Peters “emphatically does not bleach her skin.”

The prime minister also took issue with recent statements from former Speaker Jomo Thomas about Peters.

“It is easier to make a criticism about Ralph and get away with it.”

“Than to make one of Keisal, Carlos [James], Camillo [Gonsalves], Saboto [Caesar],Ashelle [Morgan], Orando [Brewster], any of the young ones, the Humble African, who are under my care and responsibility, politically .”

“In relation to them, I am political leader, political protector and patriarch.”

“And I am not going to allow anybody to malign or go to the gutter with any of these,” Gonsalves said passionately.

In refuting the claims being made against Peters, the prime minister said she is “an African woman of real distinction.”