Pay attention, read over your work multiple times, study hard – Sahara
Sahara Antrobus is flanked my mom Shena Carr and dad Andre Antrobus
June 24, 2022

Pay attention, read over your work multiple times, study hard – Sahara

Excelling academically comes easier if you “pay attention, read over your work multiple times and study hard”.

This is the formula that 11-year-old Sahara Antrobus used as she prepared for the 2022 sitting of the CPEA examinations. Her overall performance landed her in the middle of top 10 positions in the country — fourth for girls and fifth overall.

Sahara, who attended the St Mary’s Roman Catholic School told SEARCHLIGHT this week that her result made her feel “good” because she had been working towards placing in the top 10 since she entered the sixth grade.

The football lover said she had to give up playing the sport while she studied hard in preparation for the exam.

Language was perhaps the most challenging paper the aspiring surgeon encountered during the exam, while Mathematics proved to be the easiest.

Sahara’s mother, Shena Carr was overjoyed with her daughter’s result, especially knowing that she had put in the extra work and was making a conscious effort to attain the achievement.

Carr said her 11-year-old can usually state with preciseness, questions that posed a challenge for her in examinations and explain how she arrived at her answer.

So she was assured that her daughter would have done well and she is “really proud of her”.

Andre Antrobus, Sahara’s father also expressed similar sentiments, noting that she studied well and prayed a lot.

“…I’m very grateful and proud of her,” he told SEARCHLIGHT.

Sahara, who is looking forward to starting the new school year at the Girls High School, thanked her family and friends who supported her as she prepared for the CPEA exams.