Residents still wondering if Soufriere is finally resting
VENOLD BLUGH of Petit Bordel, evacuated for a month last April after the explosions at La Soufrière began
April 8, 2022

Residents still wondering if Soufriere is finally resting

AS THE VOLCANO SETTLES DOWN, some persons still contend with thoughts about whether it is finished.

Venold Blugh, a resident of Petit Bordel, evacuated for a month last April after the explosions at La Soufrière began.

Where he sits in Richmond the volcano is in full view and the landscape before him has been changed by its flows.

A wall three times the height of a person borders a flat area of grey ash deposits that stretches until it reaches the Richmond river that runs beside a bank lined by dead trees.

Asked how he feels observing the changes, Blugh replied “I know is something go wrong here…” “It happen to me and you not going to be much happy because you see the difficulties (but) you hadda try and make it happy you know?”

These difficulties include facing the ash that covers the land.

He said that persons are not going to the mountain as yet through the usual path.

“Cyar the way how that look it seems like ting still ah go on you know?” Blugh commented.

As he sits there the volcano is sending more puffs into the sky at intervals.

He recalled “When it push out the first fire and up there start to come down, people were watching and we were watching too and it take a time

before it come out. So me still ah admire like if it done, done done entirely,” he revealed.

When he looks at the two sides of the mountain, he remarked, “say like something still going on with that.”

The volcano alert level was reduced to green effective March 16, 2022, meaning that seismic and fumarolic (steam vent) activity at La Soufrière Volcano are at or below the historical level. It is being monitored constantly.