Some residents fear accidents on new Lauders road
the close proximity of houses to the road, along with the many sharp corners, steep drops, and the absence of any land to construct sidewalks for pedestrians has raised fears about a likely increase in motor vehicular accidents.
March 25, 2022

Some residents fear accidents on new Lauders road

Work is currently underway on the Lowmans to Lauders main road, which has vehicle owners and residents breathing sighs of relief. However, the much improved road surface also comes with fears among residents.

Workers repairing roads at Launders

The smooth surface of the newly repaired road has made walking and driving much more comfortable, but the close proximity of houses to the road, along with the many sharp corners, steep drops, and the absence of any land to construct sidewalks for pedestrians has raised fears about a likely increase in motor vehicular accidents.

On Tuesday morning, March 22, some residents were encountered walking along the main road to the Lowmans Windward junction because the road was closed to vehicular traffic as a result of the ongoing road work. Some of them commented that they do not mind having to walk for a couple days while the road is being repaired.

However they also expressed concerns that motorists may not be as careful as needed on the new road surface; there have reportedly already been a few accidents since the road repairs began. The previous day there was a minor accident which prompted one resident to express that there is need for speed bumps.

A gentleman who was slowly making his way down the road with the use of a walking stick, welcomed the improved road surface, but said he is fearful of what residents will experience once the work is completed, remarking that drivers have no regard for others, and persons like him are at their mercy.

Parliamentary Representative for the area, Saboto Caesar who was encountered making a tour of the work said he was quite pleased, pointing out that the residents have been waiting for this road to be repaired for some time and finally it was being done.

On the matter of speed bumps, he said this has been drawn to his attention and he intends to speak to the relevant agencies in this regard.

An officer attached to the Traffic Department of the Royal St. Vincent and the Grenadines Police Force (RSVGPF), noting the absence of the head of that department told SEARCHLIGHT that a team of officers is expected to visit the area soon and he expects they will look at whatever concerns the residents may raise about the use of the resurfaced road.