How do you feel about the relocation from Rose Place to Lowmans?
Ellis E Mathews (left), accepts his offer letter from Minister Orande Brewster
February 4, 2022

How do you feel about the relocation from Rose Place to Lowmans?

Ellis E Mathews

“I feel so much better. I feel really comfortable. I have been living in Bottom Town for 18 years now. Today I like everything and moving from one location to another I like that. It is just me, and me girlfriend, and me stepson.
“I get 18A, the blue one, a one bedroom. I will look to do what I have to do because I getting pay soon and will go and pay what have to be paid and before month end I want to be in there.”


Naiomi Patterson (left), with Minister Orande Brewster

Naiomi Patterson

“My name is Naiomi Patterson. I am feeling happy that we are moving from one location to the other because this here is very better than where we living at Rose Place. I have been living at Rose Place for 18 years, and here is very, very much better; ten times better.
“I thank the Prime Minister for a wonderful job he does. He did a wonderful job and I thank the Prime Minister for it.”




Orica Telemaque (left), accepts her offer letter from Prime Minister Dr Ralph Gonsalves

Orica Telemaque

“It is over 20 years I living in Bottom Town. I am 29 years old; living there since I was 9 years old. I appreciate getting the letter so I can move from Bottom Town, because living in Bottom Town when there was a disaster (2013) we lost a lot of stuff and up here will be a different place than down there.
“We would hear the sound of the sea and if you not strong you would not be able to sleep at night especially when there is a bad weather around.”