November 19, 2021

Government seeks public input as it prepares to draft Disability Act

THE GOVERNMENT of St Vincent and the Grenadines, through the Ministry of Finance, Economic Planning, and Information Technology, is implementing a Human Development Service Delivery Project to reform the systems through which the various government institutions and agencies provide public goods and services to the public.

The component of the project to build a Responsive Social Protection Service Delivery System provides for the development of the country’s first Disability Act, a release from the Ministry of Economic Planning states. This Act will provide adequate protection of the rights of Persons with Disabilities in St. Vincent and the Grenadines(SVG), and ensure their inclusion/ integration in all aspects of life within the Vincentian society.

And the input of various people who interface with Persons with Disabilities is being solicited through the completion of a survey.

Dr. Jason Haynes, a senior lecturer in law at The University of the West Indies has been commissioned by the government to draft the Disability Act, 2021-2022. In this regard, he is desirous of obtaining feedback from stakeholders in SVG on the experiences of persons with disabilities and those working closely with persons with disabilities across multiple spheres, including health, education, employment, transport, housing, and participation in public affairs. The survey must be completed by November 26, 2021, and your feedback will inform the drafting of the Disability Act.

Of importance is that the legislation is guided by the United Nation’s Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and should reflect current regional and international best practices applicable to the realities and capabilities of St. Vincent and the Grenadines.

The survey link can be accessed here: https:// qfreeaccountssjc1.az1. SV_6h7fxFFdIQ7E7Z4.