St Martins Secondary celebrates  excellent results for first time subject
November 5, 2021

St Martins Secondary celebrates excellent results for first time subject

For the first time this year, students from the St Martin’s Secondary School sat CSEC examinations in Theatre Arts. 

This week, the Catholic institution is celebrating with this first cohort, who all obtained Grade ones. 

The SMSS recorded an overall pass rate of 94.07 per cent this year; third among 11 schools in this country which had over 80 per cent of passes. 

“The COVID-19 pandemic and the April 19 explosive eruption of La Soufriere volcano presented several challenges for the 2021 CSEC Cohort at St. Martin’s Secondary School. Despite the challenges, the staff and students managed to achieve a pass rate of 94.07 per cent at the July/August exams sitting. The school recorded 100 per cent passes in 14 subject areas. All subjects received a pass rate in excess of 60 per cent except Spanish which we are working to improve,” a release from the all boys institution said. 

The release also noted that “the results reflected that 70 per cent of the passing grades were ones and twos. This year, 77 students sat 618 exams in 27 subject areas…the school is extremely satisfied with the efforts of the students, teachers and parents of the examination class”.