October 15, 2021

Imperial Champions Toastmasters Club to host week-long 13th anniversary celebrations

The Imperial Champions Toastmasters Club heralds in its thirteenth anniversary on the 22nd of October 2021, under the theme “13 Years Of Fostering Growth Through Leadership Development.”

The club is one of four Toastmasters clubs in St. Vincent and the Grenadines, that is a part of the global network of Toastmasters International.

According to a release from the club, members will be commemorating the anniversary with a week of celebrations October 17 – 23, beginning with them attending service at Highpoint Church on Sunday, 17th October. The other events will be held via Zoom, and comprise karaoke, movie night, games night, anniversary club meeting, gifts showcase and a reunion.

The club kicked off its anniversary celebrations with its first ever debate competition, held under the auspices of chief judge Area Director, Cecilia Christmas, on October 7, 2021 and during the period of celebrations club members will look back from ‘whence we came’.

Imprial Champions Toastmasters Club was chartered in 2008 with a membership of 22 and headed for a short stint by Sherrika Shallow-John as president, followed by president Monica Thomas-Woodley, then president -elect Nigel Scott.

This year, at the executive’s handover retreat, the club’s president Jacqui English-Jacobs declared that, “As a team we not only endorsed our club success plan, but we also visibly stamped our club and invisibly sealed it, with our retreat’s theme “Champions Signature President’s Distinguished.”

The additional 2021-2022 executive members are VP Education Jenieve Cato, VP Membership Adinga Findlay, VP Public Relations Moureeze Franklyn, Secretary Jackleen Leech-Wyllie, Treasurer Leanna Sutherland, Sergeant at Arms Kevie Frederick, and Immediate Past President Natalie Cummings.

The executive and members extend an invitation to interested persons, to join in the celebration of their club’s 13th anniversary, which coincides with Toastmasters International 97th Anniversary.

Among the objectives of the anniversary celebrations is to foster camaraderie among Toastmasters, and showcase the club to the general public.