Only vaccinated persons  allowed to return to Mustique
October 1, 2021

Only vaccinated persons allowed to return to Mustique

On the heels of last week’s decision to shut down construction on Mustique following a rise in COVID-19 cases on the island, management have now decided that only vaccinated persons would be permitted to return to Mustique as at Wednesday, September 29.

A circular issued by Director of Security and Aviation, Paul Hurley, informed that, “Due to the increasing number of COVID-19 cases in Mustique, on mainland Saint Vincent and the surrounding Grenadine islands, the SMT(Senior Management Team) conducted a detailed review of the current vaccination status of those working in Mustique both Company and Construction.”

 Following this, he said that a decision was made to strengthen measures in order to safeguard the well-being of the inhabitants, employees and associates of Mustique.

Hurley continued that only vaccinated persons would be permitted to return to Mustique from Wednesday, September 29.

“A review of returning persons will be considered on a daily basis and updates will be issued accordingly,” the Director communicated, and “names of vaccinated persons required for travel must be submitted to the Security Department for review and crosscheck.”

Before travel between the Grenadine island and the mainland, a rapid antigen test is required for boarding the ferry or aircraft.

The message said that they will continue “to encourage all residents and workers to become vaccinated and in so doing protect themselves and others from serious illness.”

It also noted that mass screening of persons on Mustique had been conducted and advised anyone with symptoms to contact the Mustique Clinic for rapid antigen testing.

These announcements followed a message circulating last week where it was disclosed that the SMT met with doctors on the island following the spike in cases, and were implementing measures effective immediately.

A Construction shutdown went into effect as at 7a.m on Tuesday, September 21, to be reviewed daily. On that same morning all “nonessential staff and construction workers” were told to leave on the ferry.

The famous Basil’s Bar on the island was closed for seven days. The circular further advised that, “No return passengers to Mustique will be allowed on the ferry from Wednesday 22nd September for seven days (subject to review)”.

A requirement for all persons to wear masks when in close proximity to one another was stated, including for “meetings, travelling, shopping etc”.

Specific locations such as the Depot, Coreas supermarket and “other closed venues on the island” were mentioned as areas where masks must be worn.