Try your hardest and push to do your best! – Lucia
Lucia Hillocks (left) with mom, Desmarie Francois
September 3, 2021

Try your hardest and push to do your best! – Lucia

If you “try your hardest and push to do your best”, your efforts are sure to pay off in the end.

This is the view expressed by 12-year-old Lucia Hillocks who placed fourth for girls and eighth overall in the 2021 CPEA examinations.

In the external assessment, the Questelles Government School student was one of three students who had the highest score nationally in Social Studies with an average of 98.67 per cent.

“I am very proud about this. I worked very hard to accomplish this. I completed multiple past papers and I was practising since I was young and my mom helped me,” Hillocks said.

The young scholar, who is originally from Spring Village but resides in Campden Park, said Math is her favourite subject.

She also told SEARCHLIGHT that Language Arts was perhaps the most difficult paper she completed for the CPEA as it had some questions that she did not understand.

The 12-year-old is a devoted athlete and has big plans on being her own boss in the future; her sights are set on being the owner of multiple department stores.

Lucia’s mother, Desmarie Francois told SEARCHLIGHT she was not surprised but rather elated at her daughter’s performance as “Lucia has always been working very well, consistently and she sets goals”.

The proud mother also has big plans on celebrating her daughter’s success.

“What is she not getting? Believe me, she will be getting a lot of things. She’s worked hard. She deserves it,” Francois said.

Hillocks is the second of three children and will follow in her mother and sister’s footsteps when she enrols at the Girls High School in the new school year.