Webb’s children pray for father’s safe return
FROM LEFT: Karen, Devon and Kelly-Ann, children of missing fisherman
June 8, 2021

Webb’s children pray for father’s safe return

THE CHILDREN of missing fisherman Angus “Pharoah” Webb are praying for the safe return of their father.

Webb, also known as “Ras Gally”, along with his fellow fisherfolk Lennox “Grand Charge” Phillips and Bernard “Butters” Dublin left to go fishing on Tuesday June 1 at 6 a.m. in a one engine pirogue.

Angus “Pharoah” Webb

The men are said to have gone north and up to press time had not returned.

On Monday, Karen, Kelly-Ann, and Devon Richardson told SEARCHLIGHT from the porch at their home at Edinboro that they are praying for their father’s safe return, one week after he was reported missing.

“I trying to hold up the best I can because it real stressful, I can’t eat, I ain’t getting enough sleep,” Karen said while noting that her father left his phone at home.

Kelly-Ann said her father has been a fisherman for as long as she can remember. She said they began to worry when he did not return around his usual time but, she is confident that her father and his friends would be rescued as this is not the first time he has gone missing at sea; a few years ago he went missing for about three days.

“I haven’t heard from the authorities, but someone told me the coast guard went searching and they didn’t find them.

“I don’t know if they have helicopter and stuff like that because I have a feeling, a strong belief that they still on sea,” Kelly-Anne said adding that the boat was captained by Dublin.

“ At the moment, I feel sad, stressful at the moment,” she said.

Devon described his feeling as, “very heartbreaking” and said it was a tough time for the family.

“…but we holding the faith and keep praying and hope they come back home soon,” he said.