Joshua Centre will be a marvelous edifice – King
Prime Minister Dr Ralph Gonsalves being given a walk through of the Joshua Centre
December 1, 2020

Joshua Centre will be a marvelous edifice – King

Though Hans King, manager of National Properties Limited is optimistic for a December opening of the Joshua Centre, it may be a couple more months before citizens are able to enjoy the “marvelous edifice” that will replace the terminal building of the decommissioned ET Joshua Airport.

The Joshua Centre project is being rolled out by the National Properties Limited, which has custody of the building and grounds surrounding it.

Under this project, the terminal building of the decommissioned airport is to be transformed into a shopping centre.

Ace 2, the first of the stores earmarked to be located in the building held its opening last Thursday, where King gave an update on the progress of the project and some future plans.

The manager said the work being done on the remainder of the building was more complex.

“Inside on the other side, what we have is about 10 stores. I wouldn’t call the name of those stores at the moment.

And you will have ATM service, you would have banking service inside,” King said.

He also said that the former airport tower is to be transformed into a bar, while the old rooftop restaurant will become a new, high-end restaurant when it is completed.

“There is also another building that is going to be at the end of this terminal building, the existing terminal building. It will come across to form an L shape. That building, we also have a tenant, a major tenant, a furniture store on the ground floor of that building and on the …[upper] floor of that building, there will be five food courts with open seating,” the manager said.

King said that the project will be a “marvelous edifice” when it is completed, and only the beginning in the overall concept of the modern city, which is to be built out in the Arnos Vale area.