Teenage inmate gains seven CSEC subjects
October 16, 2020

Teenage inmate gains seven CSEC subjects

A teenage inmate serving time for murder at Her Majesty’s Prisons has passed seven subjects at the Caribbean Secondary Education Certificate (CSEC) examinations and will be moving on to her college education. 

The 18-year-old sat nine CSEC subjects, and succeeded in passing seven. In 2016, Justice Kathy Ann Latchoo had sentenced her to eight years in prison, and ordered for a minimum of six years incarceration to be spent. Another limb of the sentence was that the teen would continue receiving her education in prison, and that a report would come back to the court every two years.  

This was later adjusted to a report every year, and the inmate appeared before Justice Brian Cottle in July of this year.  

The court became aware of her approaching exams and the need for a consideration of the logistics in her attending college should she succeed.  

Therefore, it was determined that the teen should return to court after the results were issued, and she did so last Friday, October 9.  

“It’s been a challenging exercise, to all considered and I’m quite pleased that everyone involved seems to be making that extra effort to do what we can,” the Justice noted, as the Superintendent of Prisons (SOP), Brenton Charles updated on the matter.  

Turning to the inmate, Justice Cottle stated “First let me congratulate you on your performance in the first level.” He cautioned that the second level would not be as easy, but expressed confidence that should she show the same sort of diligence and drive, “there’s absolutely no reason why you cannot also succeed.” 

Cottle then addressed “the other matters which need to be taken care of to facilitate your attendance at the college.”  

“There are some proposals which have been put in place, those proposals meet with the approval of court, so that we will do what we can to facilitate,” he continued.  

He advised that should there be any concerns, this should be indicated to the welfare officer at the prison, and he will then schedule the matter to come back before him.  

“…So that we will make any adjustments which are necessary to make sure that you have every opportunity to pursue the course of studies,” which she has chosen, the judge said.  

Assistant Director of Public Prosecutions (ADPP) Tammika McKenzie suggested that the matter return for report in December, at the end of the semester, to determine if there are adjustments to be made to facilitate the process.

The court obliged, but no date was set at that time.  

In 2016, the minor pleaded guilty before the High Court for the murder of 15-year-old Moesha Primus, after going through a preliminary inquiry at the Family Court. 

On June 18, 2015, at Lowmans Leeward, Primus, a student of the Intermediate High School (IHS), died from a stab wound to the heart, after an altercation with the then 12-year-old primary school student. The two girls were friends and it was said that the deceased was very fond of the younger girl. 

For the first few years of her incarceration, the teen was isolated from the general population of the prison.