Unity and hard work – the  prescription for continued growth
Dr Orondo Brewster
October 9, 2020

Unity and hard work – the prescription for continued growth

by Robertson S Henry

Caribbean history is replete with examples of men and women who although born in humble beginnings, took full advantage of opportunities made available to them.

Some walked barefooted, and today they are known for having risen through the ranks of adversity and poverty to become Prime Ministers, Ministers of Government, and outstanding leaders in the field of their choosing.

Adding to this long list of noble achievers is a young man born in Texier Road, a small community in Layou. He was named Orando Lenroy Joel Brewster by his parents – Icily Brewster and Orlando Lynch. He was the first child for both parents, with his mother being just 16 years old at the time of his birth.

He was part of an extended family, headed by the Matriarch – his great grandmother Eilene Patterson. Riches were not something the family could have laid claim to, and like many other families, Orando’s family struggled to make ends meet.

His mother’s grandmother helped with his upbringing; both understanding that it was important for Orando to get a sound education. Sacrifices were made which ensured that Orando had the best education available at the time.

Today, Orando Brewster is a qualified medical doctor.

He has however taken the decision to enter the world of combative elective politics, aiming to serve the people of the Central Leeward constituency, instead of undergoing the mandatory two-year internship.

This is because Orando wants to: “Represent the constituency well, by promoting the kind of development that puts people first. For jobs and stable incomes, education, skills, good health services, good housing, good sporting facilities, and involvement in governance.”

In 2008 Orando Brewster embarked on studies at Medgar Evers College in the USA, pursuing a Bachelor’s degree in Biology, a year of much significance, for his daughter Orhanna Brewster was born that same year.

He is fully aware of the importance of family in the development of children, and by extension the community; the community of Texier Road played a major role in his development.

From his upbringing, having lived all of his life in the constituency, Brewster has an intimate knowledge of, and great plans for Central Leeward. An avid sportsman, Orando competed in numerous sporting disciplines, and when it came to organizing various events, he displayed a natural flair for leadership.

“I believe in youth and their potential. Central Leeward is famous for producing sportsmen and women, and GOD has indeed blessed us in this area. There is some untapped potential in the youth of my constituency, and I am willing to work with all the people of Central Leeward to ensure that all are represented, and these potentials are manifested,” Brewster stated.

Today he is the governing Unity Labour Party’s endorsed candidate to contest the Central Leeward constituency, firmly convicted in the view that “Central Leeward is a strong constituency for Labour.”

Despite facing various obstacles during his studies, nonetheless Orando continued his studies with much determination amidst a global recession; again receiving encouragement from his family to be strong and continue for the end result would be even sweeter.

It was while doing his Bachelors that Orando discovered that he had a knack for the sciences. He prayed and deliberated on the issue, and his prayers were answered when he transferred from Medgar Evers College in the USA, to the All Saints University in St Vincent and the Grenadines. This allowed him to continue his studies, and at the same time be with his wife and daughter.

He had a few years before being given an indication of his future political calling, when at a Unity Labour Party rally in 2015, Orando told the assembled supporters that education is his first love and he was studying medicine to become the physician for his village, Texeira Road.

Orando does not take for granted the promises of GOD when HE commissions us to “seek the Kingdom of GOD first and HIS Righteousness and all other things will be added;” which has been one of his life’s mantra, as he seeks to further the growth of the constituency through unity and hard work by all.