ULP has not built one single road in Southern Grenadines – area’s Women’s Arm head
October 6, 2020

ULP has not built one single road in Southern Grenadines – area’s Women’s Arm head

MASANI DEFREITAS, president of the New Democratic Party (NDP) Southern Grenadines Women Arm says that for 20 years, the Unity Labour Party (ULP) has done “nothing” in the Southern Grenadine islands of Union Island, Mayreau and Canouan.

Speaking on Saturday during an NDP political meeting on Union Island, DeFreitas encouraged persons in the Southern Grenadines to continue voting for the NDP as the country needs a change of government.

“Tonight I am not speaking with paper because I am here to enlighten us. Especially with the children that grow up during the ULP time. I am here to let them know that the ULP for 20 years has done nothing in the Southern Grenadines.

“We have a school, a primary school, mash up. When my children were small, 15 years ago, they moved and had to house at the society hall, in that hot place, and they still in temporary housing,” DeFreitas said.

She added that for over 20 years, there has been no post office and no police station.

“Money wasting. This government has wasted our tax payers money. They wasted every money that we put into the government,” DeFreitas told the gathering while adding that for over 54 years, the NDP has stayed focus and grounded and they will continue for another 54 years.

“We would stay voting for the NDP. The ULP has not built one single road in the Grenadines. They have not build any road. Now time for election they are pretending to repair the road,” DeFreitas commented.

She said persons must have patience, not be afraid to speak up and not be shy in campaigning.

“Do not make them hold you in bondage. Come out, voice your opinion. I want the women of Union Island to come out and be strong,” she said while adding that persons employed with the government must not make their employers feel they are solely dependent on the job they have.

“The job is only giving you some porridge. The job is not giving you pension because he taking out the pension fund. By the time we retire we have no money,” DeFreitas peddled.

She that that if one takes a gaze around Union Island, one would clearly see that the house the NDP built to house teachers is destroyed and the ULP has refused to repair it.

“We have no library. Imagine education revolution and we have no library. How our children going to read? How they going to learn? This is under the ULP government. We have to vote on that day, election, and get rid of this ULP Party,” the activist told the listening audience.

She said also that money is being generated in the Tobago Cays and not a dime is being spent on Union Island, Canouan or Mayreau.

“Imagine under the ULP, they wanted to charge us one dollar to leave the wharf and we still in St. Vincent,” she said while noting that if someone wants a birth certificate, passport, x-ray or dental services, they must journey to the mainland.

“I am telling you all, we need a change. Now is the time to get rid of this ULP party,” DeFreitas said.