One of this year’s top CSEC performers looking to pursue a career in engineering
Denisha Parsons
October 2, 2020

One of this year’s top CSEC performers looking to pursue a career in engineering

One of this year’s top CSEC performers loves solving problems. And this is among the reasons that she will pursue a career as an engineer in the future.

Denisha Parsons was named among four students of the Girls’ High School as having the best performance for St Vincent and the Grenadines in the July sitting of the external exams.

The teenager copped 13 Grade I passes in Advanced Mathematics, Biology, Chemistry, Electronic Document Preparation Management (EDPM), English A, English B, Geography, Information Technology, Physics, Principles of Accounts, Principles of Business, Social Studies and Spanish.

She also has an additional Grade I pass in General Mathematics, which she completed in the fourth form.

“I felt overwhelmed at the time,” Parsons said to describe how she felt when she received her results.

She compared her experience this year to when she sat her first CSEC subject in Form 4, and said that preparations were less challenging this time around.

The daughter of Susan Quammie and Errol Parsons said there was more time to study “so I was able to have a longer schedule and to be able to be up late…and the teachers actually helped us”.

She added that she also prepared using multiple choice past papers and tapped into various sources for help including family members and teachers.

Despite her perfect performance, Parsons is encouraging persons sitting the exam to avoid procrastination as much as possible; something that she struggled with.

“I did well, but I could have probably finished early and just be able to review and just go over a couple stuff and I would’ve been even more confident. And I would advise them to try and access papers from people, try and ask around for help. Don’t ever think that you can do it by yourself when you could ask people for help,” she said.

She also thanked God, her parents, aunts and teachers for all the help during her time of preparation.

The teenager plans to attend the St Vincent and the Grenadines Community College where she will do Computer Science, Chemistry, Physics and Mathematics.

Paige Cadogan, Zowie Bullock and Jaynika Williams are the other top performers for SVG.

Cadogan attained 15 subjects with 14 Grade Is and a Grade II while Bullock and Williams both attained 13 subjects, all of them being Grade Is.