Charting a new course  forward with critical thinking
Dominic Sutherland
October 2, 2020

Charting a new course forward with critical thinking

by Robertson S. Henry

Dominic Sutherland, coming from the humblest beginnings in Lower Kingstown and Paul’s Avenue, took the decision to serve the people of Central Kingstown not as a businessman, but as their next parliamentary representative.

He says his decision is to make Central Kingstown secure as part of the ruling ULP Government. His journey of service began in 1992 as a member of the Royal St Vincent and the Grenadines Police Force.

“I know the weight of this path of service, I now embark on. I know it won’t be easy and I know that this is not a game. I don’t have time to play games when it comes to our people’s future.”

Speaking of the challenges confronting him, including forging a pathway which would allow the residents of Central Kingstown to realise their true socio-economic potential, Sutherland said: “I decided to step up to the challenge of becoming the chief servant of the people of Central Kingstown. As I take on this duty, I can’t help but think about David standing there across the field, looking out at the huge Goliath.”

Sutherland believes that “not everything that is faced can be changed, but knowing that nothing can be changed until it is faced, I decided to face the mammoth challenges of serving the people of Central Kingstown.”

His recipe for success, and on his menu for inclusiveness is “We must listen and hear what the constituents are saying. We must be outstanding in all endeavors. We must make a difference. We cannot be doing things the same way, day after day and expect a different outcome. That’s the new definition of insanity.

“We must – all of us, work together, in spite of political differences. We must motivate those around us to do better. We must be and live the change our constituency needs, for according to Winston Churchill ‘we make a living by what we get … we make a life by what we give’.”

Sutherland has mounted a political campaign focused on the development of and for the people, with the objective – progress for all.

“I won’t be distracted by noise, haters or crazies. I am a critical thinker, with a forward vision of what tomorrow can and will be,” he said.

He admits that there are developmental issues in the Central Kingstown constituency, which “pose challenges that demand a partnership between the government, and the residents of the constituency. Let us commit to a new contract for Central Kingstown, a fairer contract that actually serves your needs.”

A Certified Accountant with over 25 years’ experience, Dominic Sutherland is confident of his capabilities “in charting a path of real wealth creation for Central Kingstown families,” as he has been doing for his clients for almost three decades.

Aiming to provide true service to the residents of Central Kingstown, Sutherland said it was a simple decision to join one of the greatest political parties in the Western Hemisphere – the Unity Labour Party.

“Led by Dr the Honourable Ralph E. Gonsalves, the ULP since March 2001, has successfully brought our nation from the doldrums of depression and recession, to the halls of a developing nation, and as a non-permanent member of the United Nations Security Council.

“St Vincent and the Grenadines continues to be lifted high through the vision and works of this great ULP party, which has already transformed this nation with the many developmental strategies,” Sutherland said.
He added: “Central Kingstown must be part of the new thrust in tourism expansion, entrepreneurship, the deepening and broadening of the education revolution, agricultural expansion, sporting development, and expanding our cultural product.

“I will commit myself to the delivery of full representation to every corner of Central Kingstown. Do not judge this book by the cover you see. I listen and will listen to every man, woman and child that I meet, for we all call Central Kingstown home.

“Do not judge me without hearing from me first. Let us reason face to face and you will get to know me. We have to make the system work for all, for everyone from all walks of life, without prejudice but with fairness for all.
“Each person in Central Kingstown is filled with potential, filled with light that illuminates, and intelligence to make the impossible possible.”

Dominic Sutherland believes: “Each of us has failed in the past. We all have at some point in time, disappointed our GOD, our family, and our friends.

“Life continues. We must get up, dust ourselves off and start moving forward again, focusing on developing ourselves, our community and our nation, sweet SVG.”