Family seeking justice for slain Belair man
Marcus Corridon
August 14, 2020

Family seeking justice for slain Belair man

The wheel of justice turns slowly, while the family of the late Marcus Corridon of Belair continues to mourn his painful exit.

Corridon, 49, was shot to death on August 19, 2019 at Belair.

With patience we wait on God, who declares in Romans 12:19, “Never take your own revenge, beloved, but leave room for the wrath of God, for it is written, “VENGEANCE IS MINE, I WILL REPAY,”.

While they wait on justice, the family of Marcus Corridon is soliciting the assistance from the general public in obtaining any information. A $5000 reward is being offered for pertinent information that will aid with the investigation and lead to the apprehension and prosecution of the offender(s) in this matter.

Marcus was a father, an astute business man, a respectable mechanic who worked tirelessly to achieve his goals. His educational journey began at: the Belair Government School, then the St Joseph’s Convent Marriaqua and finally the St Vincent Technical College. Throughout his schooling Marcus was a well-mannered student with a quiet disposition. He excelled in sports and performed duties of senior prefect at the St Joseph’s Convent Marriaqua.

After school, Marcus wasted no time in his professional pursuits. He was among the first group of 20 Vincentians who travelled to Italy for training at the Valdettaro Shipyard, during construction of the Ottley Hall Marina. On his return in 1993, he worked at CCY Limited Caribbean Charter and Yacht Holdings where he served until he resigned in 1996. In 1997, Marcus gained employment at the St. Vincent Brewery as a mechanic/operator, until the time of his demise. From all reports Marcus was an exemplary worker who was well loved and admired by all.

The tragic demise of Marcus occurred on August 19, 2019 around the Fountain area where he was shot by an unknown assailant.

According to reports, while Marcus was in the washroom at Darren’s Bar at Fountain; an unknown individual draped in black, sporting a cap passed by. After using the washroom Marcus was informed of the strange occurrence. Marcus then jumped into his vehicle, told some of his friends that he would be right back and headed to the same direction.

According to his friends, it was customary for Marcus to slip away in that manner and return, especially since he had left his wallet at home that evening. Not long after Marcus left a gunshot was heard around the bend. His limp body was discovered in a nearby gutter with a bullet to the heart. He was then taken to the Milton Cato Memorial Hospital where he succumbed to his injury.

Since Marcus’s passing, family members made calls and visits to the Calliaqua police station to ascertain the status of the investigation. According to the police, to date there is still no concrete lead and the investigation is still ongoing.

Marcus’s family is pleading with persons with pertinent information regarding his death to coorperate with the police in bringing the perpetuators/s to justice.

“Though the mills of God grind slowly, yet they grind exceeding small; though with patience He stands waiting, with exactness grinds He all.” Henry Wadsworth Longellow.

Persons with information are asked to contact the Assistant Commissioner of Police in charge of Crime at 1-784-456-1339 or the officer in charge of the South Central Division at 1-784-458-4200 or any police officer or police station you are comfortable with. All information will be dealt with confidentially. Investigations are ongoing.