Kalen eager and excited to start new school year at the Girls’ High School
Kalen Browne (right) with her mother Joycelyn Blake-Browne
July 24, 2020

Kalen eager and excited to start new school year at the Girls’ High School

Kalen Browne, one of this country’s top performing students in the CPEA examinations, cannot wait to attend the Girls’ High School in the upcoming academic year.

The St Mary’s Roman Catholic School tied for ninth in this year’s assessment with an average of 96.2 per cent.

“I’m hoping that I come first all the time and if there’s any award for being most obedient, I want to win all of them,” the 11-year-old said when asked what she’s looking forward to most about attending the all-girl institution.

Browne, who will celebrate her 12th birthday on September 6, said she expected to place in the top 15 or top 20 so she feels extremely happy and blessed with her performance.

And the daughter of Joycelyn Blake-Browne and Grafton Browne attributes her success to studying hard, investing time in God and relaxation.

She loves all subjects and didn’t consider any of the examinations particularly difficult. And to future students sitting the CPEA examinations, Browne advises against being too anxious “because when you’re too anxious, you make careless mistakes”.

The Cane End resident is still deciding on what she would like to do in the future but said she may choose to become either an inventor or herbalist.

Kalen’s mother told SEARCHLIGHT she is enjoying her daughter’s success and that the feeling is likely to last for a very long time.

And she encouraged parents to get involved and to support their children with positive encouragement.

“I remember an occasion when Kalen didn’t do so well, whether on monthly tests, end of term, end of year and she would say mommy, are you still proud of me? And I would say Kalen, I’ll always be proud of you. Whenever she slides a bit, she thinks I would get angry or upset but I always say to her, as long as you maintain an average of 90 per cent, I am happy. I don’t care what the position is…,” Blake-Browne said.