Ministry of  Education in support of the STEMSVG
Jean Johnney-Findlay (sixth from left) of Coreas Hazells Inc cuts the ribbon at the launch of the STEMSVG Educational Institute, in the presence of several officials, including Petrus Gumbs, Director of the Institute (far right) and Camillo Gonsalves, minister of finance (fourth from left).
June 23, 2020

Ministry of Education in support of the STEMSVG

The Ministry of Education is in full support of the STEMSVG Educational Institute.

The STEMSVG Educational Institute is a locally based online option for persons interested in pursuing science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) and other subjects. It was launched last week Thursday.

“What this is doing is changing education for the better and the Ministry of Education embraces the move,” Senior Education Officer Dixton Findlay said while speaking at the launch of the initiative at the Methodist Church Hall in Kingstown.

Findlay, who thanked Petrus Gumbs, the Director of STEMSVG, said the Ministry is happy that the online platform has come at the right time.

“COVID has taught us that we cannot take the business of education for granted and opened our minds,” Findlay said.

The COVID-19 pandemic has forced St Vincent and the Grenadines (SVG) into the realm of online learning and Findlay noted that it is in these times that persons should understand the government’s one laptop per child program which was rolled out in 2011.

He said when the one laptop per child program was implemented, some teachers and members of the public put up resistance, but he is sure that today, many persons would regret not supporting the initiative and regret not encouraging students to take care of computers.

Findlay noted that his Ministry is working with schools to ensure the continuation of education in these times and as a result, they have tried many platforms.

“We are now working to reduce the number of platforms…and Petrus is doing a wonderful job,” Findlay said of the St Martins Secondary School (SMSS) teacher, who he said has set the pace for other schools to follow.

The education officer also emphasized that it is important that we support the STEMSVG Educational Institute as the entity can make a difference and help change the business of education.

At present, 23 teachers are available on the STEMSVG platform which may be accessed at