Hairdressers, barbers advised to wear masks
May 15, 2020

Hairdressers, barbers advised to wear masks

Service providers and their clients at barbershops, hair salons and other establishments where close contact is inevitable have been advised to wear masks.

While it is not mandatory, it is recommended that members of the public wear masks, especially if they going to be in close contact with other people for 15 minutes or more.

This is especially the case at salons, barbers and spas. And infectious disease specialist, Dr Jose Davy recommends that these service providers also wear masks when they are administering services to clients.

“You can’t imagine going to your hair dresser and she’s here and you’re all the way out there. Your hair will not be done properly,” Davy said during a press conference on May 7. “…So for persons in close contact, it’s recommended that both persons wear facial coverings, whether it’s the cloth mask that is prepared at home, but remember, for protection, both persons have to be wearing the cloth mask.”

Some businesses in St Vincent and the Grenadines closed temporarily as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic so as to help stop the spread of the virus.

But several, including spas and salons have reopened, offering only some of their listed services. Other businesses like salons are limiting the number of persons in the building at one time and operating on an ‘appointment only’ basis.