Ministry of Health  using Venezuela rapid test kits for screening and contact tracing
May 8, 2020

Ministry of Health using Venezuela rapid test kits for screening and contact tracing

The Ministry of Health (MOH) is using the rapid test kits donated by Venezuela for screening and contact tracing.

This information was provided by Chief Medical Officer (CMO) Dr Simone Keizer-Beache at a press conference yesterday, May 7.

She further explained that if a rapid test is done and it is positive then the polymerise chain reaction (PCR) test is conducted.

The CMO said to date, 183 rapid and 137 PCR tests had been done. However, she mentioned that there would overlap because some persons may have been tested using both methods.

“However remember we were doing PCR tests before we started doing rapids and we have continued coming out of rapids,” the health official stated.

In the case of screening and testing persons who may have travelled into the country, those persons would be tested with rapid testing, but may not necessarily move on to PCR testing.

On April 28, Prime Minister Dr Ralph Gonsalves informed that in addition to 3000 rapid tests acquired from Venezuela, 5000 were expected from another source.

PCR testing, as yet unavailable in the country, detects the presence of the antigen (virus) in the body, while the rapid test detects the presence of antibodies.