Past students: To UISS with love
CLASS of 1999, handing over equipment to UISS
February 21, 2020

Past students: To UISS with love

A GROUP OF past students of the Union Island Secondary School-UISS who graduated from the institution just over 20 year ago, has made what they called, a small donation to their alma mater, accompanied with a letter of encouragement and appreciation.

The class of 1999, provided the school with a printer for the staff room, a projector for teachers, a first-aid kit for the sports department, and staple machines for the offices.

“This is an expression of our love and appreciation for the place that taught us ‘not only for school, but also for life’ (your motto),” The past students said in their letter to the school.

The group said it hoped the donation, though small, will make a big difference to the school that have given them so much.

“After coming together 20 years later in 2019 to reflect on our journey at UISS, our group’s number one mission as an official entity was to find out your needs and to respond to them immediately. “It is our intention to make frequent and consistent donations from this point forward, and to be engaged and involved in every aspect of educational development on the island,” the past students said.

To the current student body, the past students said: “We were once where you were, and we know what it is like to be without critical resources.

It is not acceptable for any student to be deprived of needed and necessary educational items. We are making a pledge to you that we would continually try to limit such experiences”.

The past students recalled doing CXC woodwork projects with teacher, Renrick John, without having the wood they needed coming from the mainland.

“ Mr. John kept us calm and focused, and did everything he could to be an advocate for us.

We also remember doing Chemistry lessons for CXC and Mr. Anthony Stewart travelling to St. Vincent to buy resources to help us– and of course— doing it from his own pocket. So believe us, we understand what it is to be in need, and we totally get that it may feel discouraging at times,” the past students added.

However, the group has urged the current students not to despair, as they can still do well.

“And just that you know, that woodwork class of about 25 boys had a 100% pass rate for CXC that year; and that Chemistry class had multiple students passing that year—while making history as the first group to sit Chemistry for Union Island Secondary School,” the past students added.

“The reality is that if UISS succeeds, we all succeed. Teachers and staff, although you are receiving these items, the truth is, no amount of items can ultimately cause a school to thrive.

“ What will make UISS thrive is a positive non-complaining attitude despite the difficulties that you face; a humble spirit to work together—resisting any temptation to fight against each other; a belief that every child can succeed and being willing to go above and beyond to ensure this goal; and finally, a resolve that with God—all things are possible,” the past students said.