PSCS offering free six-month business administration course
Camille Crichton, owner of Professional Secretarial Consultancy Services (PSCS).
February 14, 2020

PSCS offering free six-month business administration course

A FREE six-month course is available for Vincentians who are interested in acquiring or improving their skills in business administration.

The course, which offers CVQ qualifications, is sponsored by Skye (Skills for Youth empowerment) Communications, and will be administered by the Institute of Professional Development here in St Vincent and the Grenadines.

“It’s a certified programme, so it basically complements and it has a parallel standing with your academic qualifications. It enhances the employability and higher earning potential,” Camille Crichton, the Managing Director of Professional Secretarial and Consultancy Services said. She said that the course is both for employed and unemployed persons between the ages of 15 and 30 years.

And persons who complete the qualification may be employed in various positions, including as administrative assistants, personal assistants, typists or receptionists.

“It equips candidates with knowledge, skills and a better attitude for the workplace, so as I said earlier, you may have the experience but you may not have the qualification. Here is the opportunity to put your work experience and skills into certification,” Crichton said.

She noted that there are benefits to be had for employers as well.

The businesswoman said that the course provides a large cadre of skilled employees from which employers can choose and it reduces the cost for employers to train employees as well.

“It is also important to note that the CVQ, its recognised within CARICOM… this qualification facilitates free movement of labour through CARICOM so, for example, if you happen to leave St Vincent with this qualification, you don’t have to go now to try and get a work permit or anything. You can use the certification for employment,” Crichton said.

Crichton said that persons should have at least three CXC subjects (English would be an asset) or must have completed secondary school at least up to the form three level, or have at least two years working experience and be able to read and write.

The Business Administration course is scheduled to begin on February 17 at the Professional Secretarial and Consulting Services training room in Kingstown.

It is completely free for all applicants and will run for a duration of six months.

Crichton hopes to train at least 120 Vincentians in this course over a two year period.

Interested persons can access application forms at the office of Professional Secretarial and Consultancy Services.