Logos Hope Crew,  including a  Vincentian, to spend Christmas in SVG
Fiyah King from SVG is one of the volunteer crewmembers onboard
December 10, 2019

Logos Hope Crew, including a Vincentian, to spend Christmas in SVG

Logos Hope, the world’s largest floating book fair, will soon bring its international crew with their life-changing stories to Kingstown, St Vincent and the Grenadines (SVG).

The ship will be in St Vincent from December 14 to 28 before continuing to other Caribbean nations.

Fiyah King from SVG is one of the volunteer crewmembers onboard. Her first experience serving in Logos Hope was as a volunteer. “I knew that they were looking for locals to help for two weeks that the ship would be there, and it was such a special time that I decide to join later on.”

Until now she had worked in two different departments: galley and business services. In the kitchen she served for one year. When she talks about her best moments onboard, she has no doubt about it. “My favourite experience since I joined the ship was in galley because I had never done so much physical job in my entire life and working with this unique and diverse cultural team was really special for me.”

Besides her job, Fiyah has the opportunity to act in The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe. When she was a volunteer, she dreamed about it and now she’s acting as the white witch. “It’s something that I’ve dreamed about since the ship was in my country and never thought I would have the chance to actually be a part in this drama.”

Fiyah is one of the ship’s 400 volunteers who come from over 60 nations, leaving behind families, jobs, and homes. The crew offers a unique example of unity in cultural diversity. Some come with qualifications to fill specific roles such as engineering officers, plumbers, carpenters, bookkeepers, cooks, and other professionals; many young people come with no qualifications except a willingness to serve. Although they have different backgrounds, the crewmembers agree on a common goal: serving people through social service projects and good literature.

Since 1970, the organisation has welcomed over 45 million visitors up the gangways in over 150 countries and territories around the world.

MV Logos Hope will open to the public at Kingstown from December 14 through December 28, 2019. Opening hours are as follows: Wednesday – Saturday: 10:00 AM – 9:00 PM. Tuesday 17th and Sunday: 2:00 pm – 9:00 pm. The ship will be closed on Mondays, 24th of December and Christmas Day. Entrance fee is 2 EC per person. Adults 65 and over enter for free. Children under 12 years old enter for free but must be accompanied by an adult.