Oldest woman in SVG dies at 110 years old
Elaine Everilla Ollivierre, who celebrated her 110th birthday on November 1, has passed away.
The Calliaqua resident, believed to be one of the oldest persons in St Vincent and the Grenadines at the time of her death, passed on November 10 at 10:40 a.m. at her home while surrounded by relatives and friends.
She was born on November 1, 1909 in Mustique to Venas Harry and Allan Lewis. She was the third of nine children and migrated to mainland St Vincent with her husband Melvin Ollivierre and her children. Melvin died in 2004, after 64 years of marriage. He was 89 years old.
(From left) Cecelia Ollivierre ,Elaine’s daughter and Maclaurence Ollivierre, Elaine’s son
Elaine’s daughter Cecelia Ollivierre, who took care of her mom up to the last day along with Elaine’s granddaughter Correen Greaves, told SEARCHLIGHT on Wednesday that she misses her mom.
“It’s sad. It was good to know she was there. Just going to the room and knowing she not there is heart breaking,” Cecelia said.
She noted that her mom had six children, two of whom are deceased, and was a housewife who took good care of her children.
“She was very caring, loving, strict, kind. She was always making sure that we went school to get an education. She was a loving mom, and nothing was never too much for her to give.
“She always listened to us and helped solve our problems if we had any problems,” said Cecelia.
The bereaved daughter said that during the last stage of the supercentenarian’s life, she would just nod and shake her head to acknowledge your presence but before that, she would give you stories from the past.
“When she was getting her last rites, she was twinkling her toes and moving her mouth, but she couldn’t talk but she knew we were there with her. She had a lot of visitors. A lot of people came to see her,” Cecelia said.
The deceased woman’s son, Maclaurence Ollivierre said he was happy his mother lived for so long as he enjoyed her company.
“She was a strict disciplinarian and I cherished all the memories but at this point it’s a void that cannot be filed,” said Maclaurence.
He added that in his opinion, his mother was one of the first economists and accountants here,” because she knew how to stretch a dollar, take $1 and turn it into a $100”.
He said his mother would repair their clothes on a hand machine, and would take cow’s milk, take the cream from the top, put it in a bottle with salt and make butter for them.
“She could make anything in the kitchen, and she made sure that she took an interest in our education although she was not an academic. We had to spend two hours in our books every day, so we were well versed when we went to school,” Maclaurence said while adding, “there are so many memories we have to relive.”
Elaine will be laid to rest on Saturday November 30 after a church service at the St Paul’s Anglican Church, Calliaqua. The viewing starts from 2 p.m. while the funeral service is at 3 p.m.