Ten more charges for woman accused of defrauding her boss; police beat me, she claims
Eunice Dowers being escorted by a Police Officer from the Serious Offences Court in Kingstown
November 15, 2019

Ten more charges for woman accused of defrauding her boss; police beat me, she claims

Just two days before the trial examining numerous credit card fraud charges against Nigerian Eunice Dowers was supposed to begin, another 10 charges were laid against her.

Dowers’ alleged financial misdeeds against the First Caribbean International Bank and her former employer Bertille ‘Silky’ DaSilva of Star Garage now number 49 in total.

The 25-year-old defendant was picked up by the police last Friday, but was allowed station bail and told to appear at the Serious Offences Court (SOC) this Monday, November 11.

However, when her name was called, Dowers was nowhere to be seen. Instead, she had called the court staff to inform them that she could not make it because of a “maladie.”

Chief Magistrate Rechanne Browne stood down the matter, and when it was recalled Dowers still hadn’t made an appearance. A bench warrant was subsequently issued.

However, upon hearing about this turn of events, Dowers brought herself to court, exhibiting signs of being in pain. She was bent over, and was not walking properly, claiming that she had been beaten.

By that time, her lawyer Grant Connell had made it to the SOC after being engaged at the High Court all morning. Connell alleged that his client had been beaten by the police, but said that Dowers had not yet made a formal report.

His client winced in apparent pain, and complained about the confusing wording, as she listened to the 10 new charges put to her.

Six of the new charges involve allegations that Dowers, between August 1, 2018, and January 31, 2019, did convert criminal property, to wit US$1,296.18, EC$2,019.42, US$3,487.81, US$1,547.39, US$1,354.88 and US$1,578.14, sums which were unlawfully withdrawn from the credit card of DaSilva in order to purchase a quantity of articles, Digicel Ding Top ups, and Liat Airline tickets.

Four of the charges allege that she, between November 1 and December 31, 2018, converted criminal property, to wit EC$3,481.57, EC$85.50, EC$259.59, and EC$2,332.73, sums which were unlawfully withdrawn from the cheque book of DaSilva.

Dowers pleaded not guilty to these charges after hesitation caused by the wording, which she said was “confusing”.

Connell asked the chief magistrate to withdraw the bench warrant against his client, and this request was granted.

He also stated that the complainant, DaSilva, was stopping, contacting and trying to talk to Dowers when she happened to be passing by the workplace.

The chief magistrate assured Connell that the prosecutor would make DaSilva understand what not to do.

With 10 more charges for Connell to take instruction on, the dates for the matters were pushed back to January 8 – 10, 2020.

The lawyer noted that he “trusts” that the police would have completed their list, considering this is not the first time that charges have been added close to the date that trial was supposed to begin.

“Every time the case comes to court they are throwing more,” he stated.

Dowers’ collection of legal problems has grown in spurts since she was first given six charges on February 20, 2019.

The Nigerian born was first picked up by the police attempting to depart from Argyle International Airport(AIA). She was labelled a flight risk and bail was denied to her.

However, bail in the sum of $40,000 was granted to the Ratho Mill resident at the High Court in March, after documents showing her connection to SVG were provided.